DUI was the first to develop a drysuit boot that offers better durability, support and traction. The RockBoots ™ are standard equipment on all DUI drysuits and can be worn with any wetsuit when combined with a wet sock.
A must for any diver who walks, hikes or climbs to a dive site, even on boat ladders! Available in men's sizes 4-15, they are sized to be worn with the insulation of the drysuit.
Note: All DUI drysuits come with a CF200 attached drysuit sock for use with DUI's RockBoot.
Sizes: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
DUI rock boots
Diving Unlimited International
9245 Sky Park Ct
CA 92123 San Diego
United States
Mail: support@divedui.com
Call: +1 858-467-6810
BtS® Europa AG
Klosterhofweg 96
41199 Mönchengladbach
Tel. +49 (2166) 675411 - 0
E-Mail: info@bts-eu.com
Web: www.bts-eu.com